Research projects

Current projects

2023-2025 Co-investigator, Work Packages 2 and 4, “AUTHLIB – Neo-Authoritarianisms in Europe and the Liberal Democratic Response”, HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01, €2,523,765.

2021-2024 Principal investigator, “Plemienność czy obojętność? Badanie rzeczywiście istniejących wartości demokratycznych i ich konsekwencji w Polsce” (“Partisan bias or a climate of indifference? An investigation of actually-existing democratic values and their consequences in Poland”), National Science Center, OPUS 20, 783,228 zł.

Previous projects

2022 Co-investigator, “Wiedza, postawy i preferencje Polek i Polaków względem nowych zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych.” (“Political knowledge and preferences of Poles regarding new civilisational threats.”), Regionalna Inicjatywa Doskonałości w SWPS Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym w latach 2019-2022, 118,770 zł.

2019-2021 Principal investigator, “DIASPOlitic: Understanding the Political Dynamics of Émigré Communities in an Era of European Democratic Backsliding”Norwegian Research Council, EUROPA (Europe in Transitions) A2–Values Under Pressure, 212 264,32 zł.

2019-2020 Principal investigator, “Mierząc populizm: badanie pilotażowe mające na celu udoskonalenie istniejących pytań”. (“Measuring populism: a pilot study to improve existing questions.”Narodowe Centrum Nauki, MINIATURA 2, [2018/02/X/HS5/03339], 43,972 zł.

2017-2018 Principal investigator, “A Survey-Based Experiment on the Relationship Between Populism and Conspiracy Theories”, SWPS University BST grant, 26,876 zł.

2013-2015 Principal investigator, “The Winner-Loser Divide? A Comparative Analysis of Voting Behaviour and Cleavage Formation in Post-Communist Party Systems (WINLOSE)”. Project funded by Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship programme, a Marie Curie Action under the Seventh Framework Programme, €231,283.

2010 Principal investigator, “Integration versus Demarcation? A Comparative Classification of Party Appeals, Voter Preferences and Candidate Attitudes in the European Parliamentary Elections of 2009”. Project conducted under the ELECDEM Initial Training Network (ref. 238607), a Marie Curie Action under the Seventh Framework Programme, £68,290.